Affiliate Disclaimer

Occasionally, I will link to items for sale online using affiliate or referral links. This link allows me to collect a small commission from the sale of the item, should you choose to purchase it, at no additional cost to you. This revenue helps offset the equipment and hosting fees required to run the site, and helps me try new things in the garden and kitchen, from expanding my reviews of heirloom vegetable seeds to developing more recipes to share with you all.

For anyone who has chosen to use an affiliate link for a purchase, thank you! Your support is so critical to keeping Salt & Spade running!

Affiliate Policy

Posts that contain an affiliate link will always be labeled on the post itself. Additionally, most products I write about are products that I initially researched and purchased for myself, with my own hard-earned money, and if that’s ever not the case it will also be openly disclosed. I’m dedicated to keeping things honest and transparent for all of you.
