

My name is Amanda, and I’m a gardening addict. And maybe a cooking addict. Throw a love of photography into the mix and starting a garden-to-table food blog seemed like the perfect way to blend all of my interests into a single obsession. Nights and weekends I can be found covered in dirt, cursing at the groundhog that keeps nibbling my radishes.

I used to think that there was no way I could build my dream garden. Like most people, I have a full-time job and limited space. After all, I don’t have a big fancy homestead – just a small backyard in my suburban South Jersey home. But I’m happy to say that I was completely wrong! Even if you only have a small area to work with, you can do so much more than you imagined. So get out there and get digging.

I’m dedicated to sharing the best small-space gardening tricks I can find. And if you have any of your own to share, please do! I love learning new methods, so I’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions or would like to get in contact with me, you can find all the info you need to do that at on my Contact page.

But if you’re just here for the recipes, I hope you enjoy! While I do sometimes use hard-to-find, funky-looking heirloom varieties I’ve grown myself, for most of my recipes you can use normal ingredients from the supermarket and they’ll will work just fine. I know not everyone has the time, interest, space, or physical ability to garden.